
Range Commander's Council - Telemetry Group TMATS Schema Development

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This page documents the ongoing development effort to develop a XML version of TMATS.

Current Schema:

The current 106-15 schema that has been published by the RCC, is found here: Tmats Schemas..

Sample Files:

Here is a sample TMATS file.
Here is the equivalent XML file.

  • This schema is the "root" of the entire TMATS Schema. It contains a single element, that calls the G-Group schema (which in turn calls the others):

106-13 Development Items:

The one large schema was broken in to separate schemas, and namespaces were added. The following files were created:

  • This schema is the "root" of the entire TMATS Schema. It contains a single element, that calls the G-Group schema (which in turn calls the others):

"To do" Notes from RCC:

  • Additional work needs to be done on B-group

September 19, 2012:

  • TmatsCommon: New DataType "StringBeginningWithAlpha" created
  • R-Group: EIT values changed
  • R-Group: DRNM, VLNM, CGNM, LNM commands changed to "StringBeginningWithAlpha" data type
  • R-Group: Added LDVN command

September 11, 2012:

106-13 "Pink Sheet" updates made to R-Group and TmatsCommon schema:

  • EI\N thru LDVN added from page 9-21
  • PTG thru SAG added form 9-25
  • DIT changed to DIF
  • DIAM added

August 29, 2012:

  • IRIG Versioning added to each sub schema

May 25, 2012:

106-13 "Pink Sheet" updates made:

  • B-Group
  • C-Group
  • D-Group
  • G-Group
  • M-Group
  • P-Group
  • R-Group

(S and T groups had no changes. The file TmatsCommonTypes.xsd was also changed for new definitions)

March 7, 2012:

  • C Group:
    • DICC-n data type changed from string to double
    • Inflightcalibration and AmbientValue now refer to one common complex type. Inflight Calibration no longer restricted to a max of 5 entries. TelemetryValue and DataValue elements are now mandatory
  • D Group:
    • Generic "length" element removed. Tagged Data Length element removed (TD1).
  • G Group:
    • RevisionLevel made mandatory
    • Entire PAM sub-schema removed
  • P Group:
    • ID Counter WordLength (IDC2) element removed
    • SYnc pattern data type changed. Legal values can contain '0', '1', 'X'
  • R Group:
    • ENBR (Ethernet Network) Number data type changed from string to nonNegativeInteger
    • ModuleType and RMMType combined to use one global complex type.

February 27, 2012:

C Group:

  • Removed "CoefficientsEntryType" as it was only used in one place. Changed NegativePowersOfX to "CoefficientsType" Removed the unused "NegativePowersOfXType" definition.

January 13, 2012:

  • Tmats B-Group schema has been restructured to match our concept of globalizing as much as possible.
  • Imports in each file have been altered, so that each individual file will validate on its own.
  • G-Group: The reference to the B-Group has been moved

November 1, 2011:

  • All complex types have been converted to global types (with the exception of the B-group information that appears in the G-Group and P-Group schemas)

October 3, 2011:

  • All Imports removed from each of the separate schemas. Now, only Tmats.xsd imports the other schemas.

September 29, 2011:

With Thanks to Greg Willden of Southwest Research Institute, the following errors were corrected (they previously did not point to existing schema elements):

The selector: <xs:selector xpath="FormatChange/MeasurementListChange/FormatMeasurementList"/>
changed to: <xs:selector xpath="FormatChange/MeasurementListChange"/>

The selector: <xs:selector xpath="DataLink/PCMFormatAttributes/FormatChange/FormatStructureChange/FormatStructure"/>
changed to: <xs:selector xpath="DataLink/PCMFormatAttributes/FormatChange/FormatStructureChange"/>

August 8, 2011:

For PCM Measurements and Tagged Data definitions, it has been suggested that "FragmentPosition" be made an element. Currently, fragment position is implied by the location of the definition in the schema. This has been incorporated, as follows:

  • For PCM Measurements: The path "PcmMeasurements \ MeasurementList \ Measurement \ WordAndFrame \ MeasurementLocation \ MeasurementFragments \ ..." has been changed. The attribute from "MeasurementFragments" has been removed, and turned into a subordinate element, called "FragmentTransferOrder". A new subordinate element called "FragmentPosition" has been created.
  • For Tagged Data definitions: The path "PcmMeasurements \ MeasurementList \ Measurement \ TaggedData \ ..." has been changed. A new element, called "FragmentPosition" has been created.

    Discussion item: With this new concept, it would be possible to have two different definitions for the same fragment. I don't believe this is the intent!

Global data types have been created, for all TMATS elements, that are not part of the standard XML data types. If a data type was anything other than an "xs:" datatype, a global was created.

106-11 and Prior Development Items:

January 5, 2011:

I fixed a bug in the schema. In the "D Group" area, the <IDCounterName> element was in the wrong place. A new <WordAndFrame> element has been created, and the IDCounter element was placed subordinate to it.

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

September 14, 2010:

Incorporated 106-11 items:

  • Added new 'RecordedAnalogFormat' (R-x\AF-n-m) element to R Group
  • Added "Neither" option to Measurement "FilterOverwriteTag" element
  • "CommandWordType" element (R-x\CWE-n-m) name changed to "CommandWordEntry", to match Tmats documentation
  • "CommandWordValue" element (R-x\CMD-n-m) name changed to "CommandWord", to match Tmats documentation
  • "CommandWordType" element (R-x\RCWE-n-m) name changed to "CommandWordEntry", to match Tmats documentation
  • "CommandWordValue" element (R-x\RCMD-n-m) name changed to "CommandWord", to match Tmats documentation
  • Added namespace definition to schema (thanks to Tim Darr, of kbsi)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

June 28, 2010:

Incorporated 106-11 items:

R Group:

  • Documentation for "MediaLocation" element changed (RRML changed to RML)
  • Added "DataPacket/UserDefinedChannelID" element (UD\TK1)
  • Added "RecordingEventDefinitions/ChannelID" element (EV\TK1)
  • Added "RecordingEventDefinitions/RecordingEvent/DataProcessingEnabled" element (EV\EDP-n)
  • "RecordingEventDefinitions/RecordingEvent/Measurement" element name changed to "RecordingEventDefinitions/RecordingEvent/TriggerMeasurement"
  • Added "measurement processing" Tmats commands (EV\DLN-n, EV\PM\N-n, EV\PM\MN-n-m, EV\PM\PRE-n-m, EV\PM\PST-n-m)
  • Added "RecordingIndex/ChannelID" element (IDX\TK1)
  • Added "InputStreamDerandomized" element (IDDR)
  • Added "TSPI/CTS Input" value to ChannelDataType element
  • Added Tmats commands (CWE-n-m, CMD-n-m). In support of this, changed how RT/ST addresses or command words are specified (one set of commands can be specified only)
  • Added Tmats commands (RCWE-n-m, RCMD-n-m). In support of this, changed how RT/ST addresses or command words are specified (one set of commands can be specified only)
  • Added Tmats commands (TDTF-n-m).

P Group:

  • ID Counter element "InitialSubframeNumber" name changed to "InitialMinorFrameNumber"
  • ID Counter element "EndSubframeNumber" name changed to "EndMinorFrameNumber"
  • Restriction removed from AsyncEmbeddedFormat element. It can now contain an unlimited number of definitions.
  • Async format TMATS commands AEF7, AEF8, AEF9, AEF10 added.
  • New Async Data Merge TMATS commands added

D Group:

  • Measurement filtering commands relocated, and added as needed
  • Added IDCN command to Word/Frame measurements
  • Added new Tagged Data commands

B Group:

  • Added Tmats commands (CWE-i-n, CMD-i-n). In support of this, changed how RT/ST addresses or command words are specified (one set of commands can be specified only)
  • Added Tmats commands (RCWE-i-n, RCMD-i-n). In support of this, changed how RT/ST addresses or command words are specified (one set of commands can be specified only)

S Group:

  • Changed locations of various "Message" related elements


  • Changed documentation for "MeasurementBitMask" type, to correct mis-spelling

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

April 28, 2010:

  • S Group: The "Message" element is located in the wrong area. It was moved, so that it is subordinate to the "Stream" element.
  • S Group: Made "Full Word" the default value for bitmask
  • S Group: Changed name of "Comment" element, to "Comments" (to match other comments element names)
  • A Group: Changed name of "Comment" element, to "Comments" (to match other comments element names)
  • D Group: Changed name of "Comment" element, to "Comments" (to match other comments element names)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

March 12, 2009 (changes provided by Gilles Kbidy of L-3Com):

  • Fixed typo found in key reference (replaced key reference TapeStorageAttributes with RecorderReproducerAttributes)
  • "Datalink" constraints added to the following elements:
    • RecorderReproducerAttributes/Data/ChannelDataLinkName
    • RecorderReproducerAttributes/Data/ARINC429BusDataTypeAttributes/SubChannel/Name
    • RecorderReproducerAttributes/Data/UARTDataTypeAttributes/SubChannel/Name
    • RecorderReproducerAttributes/Data/MessageDataTypeAttributes/SubChannel/Name
    • RecorderReproducerAttributes/Data/EthernetDataTypeAttributes/Network/Name
    • Added "Default" as an enumeration of the P-n\IDC5 element

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

February 20, 2009:

  • S Group added subordinate to <DataLink> element

To be done.. Add key constraints to force the following to point to an existing DataLink element:

  • Channel Data Link Name (R-x\CDLN-n)
  • ARINC 429 Subchannel Name (R-x\ANM-n-m)
  • UART Subchannel Name (R-x\UCNM-n-m)
  • Message Subchannel Name (R-x\MCNM-n-m)
  • Ethernet Network Name (R-x\ENAM-n-m)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

November 19, 2008:

  • All remaining 106-09 changes made to schema

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

August, 2008:

  • IRIG 106-09 changes incorporated into schema
  • References to "tn:" namespace removed

To be determined: Which elements become subordinate to the R Group CDLN, UCNM, MCNM fields

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

May 09, 2007:

R Group:

  • Event Initial Capture (EV\IC) enumeration added
  • Bus Data Type Attributes (group name): changed to MIL-STD-1553 Bus Data Type Attributes
  • Bus Data Type Format (BTF): created as an element within MIL-STD-1553 Bus Data Type Attributes
  • Data Type Format (ATF, under Analog): Format 1 enumeration changed to Analog Data
  • Name (under ARINC): Documentation changed to ANM
  • Data Type Format (VTF, under Video): in Format 2, the words 'Part 10' removed from enumeration
  • Subchannel Number and Name (under UART) documentation changed: USCN instead of UCN, UCNM instead of UCM
  • Message Data Type Attributes: Added to schema
  • Event Capture Mode (EV\CM): Names of enumerations changed, to match document

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

March 14, 2007:

The following features were added at the RCC/TG meeting:

  • C Group: Added enumerated Floating Point Format types

R Group Added:

  • Event Capture Mode (EV\CM)
  • Channel ID To Recorder Physical Channel (TK4)
  • Channel Data Type (CDT) - Added new enumerations
  • PCM Data Type Format (PDTF)
  • Input Clock Edge (ICE)
  • Input Signal Type (IST)
  • Input Threshold (ITH)
  • Input Termination (ITM)
  • TypeFormat element renamed to PCMVideoTypeFormat (PTF)
  • Bus Data Type Attributes element (BTF)
  • Analog Data Type Attribute elements for (ATF, ASBW, ACP, AII, AGI, AFSI, AOVI, ALSV, AECS, AECO, AECU, AF, AIT, AV, AVF)
  • Sample Factor - Removed 0 to 15 restriction
  • Discrete Data Type Format (DTF)
  • ARINC 429 Data Type Attribute elements (ABTF, NAS\N, ASN, ANM)
  • Video Data Type Attribute Elements (VTF, VXF, VST, VSF, CBR, VBR)
  • Time Data Attribute (TTF)
  • Image Data Attributes (ITF, SIT)
  • UART Data Type Attributes (UTF, NUS\N, UCN, UCM)
  • IEEE 1494 Data Type Attributes (IETF)
  • Parallel Data Type Attributes (PLTF)
  • Ethernet Data Type Attributes (ENTF)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

January, 2007:

  • <MeasurementName> element, in the B-Section definition that appears in the PCM Format area, changed to allow a string value. Previously, and by accident, this element did not allow a string value.

The following 106-07 changes have been made:

  • R Group: Individual channel related "Data link" elements removed (PDLN and BDLN). "BusDataTypeAttributes" element no longer needed. New "ChannelDataLinkName" element added.
  • B Group: Changed Sub Terminal Addresss elements, to allow a string made up of 0's, 1's or X's. Added new "Measurement Type" and "User Defined Data" elements.
  • C Group: Added "Bit Weight" binary format. Added new "Bit Weight" related fields. Added "Negative Powers of X" data conversion type, and related elements.

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

November, 2006:

  • Namespace changed to static value that will not change with new versions.

    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tn="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

    was changed to...

    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tn="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

    The URL was created. This web page simply redirects the user back to (to match the URLs listed in the actual schema).

    (Thanks to John Pandoli of Sikorsky Aircraft)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

October, 2006:

  • The DataConversionAttributes element that is subordinate to the DataLink element, was improperly defined. The way this element was originally defined, did not allow it to appear with one of the other elements at that level (PCMAttributes, BusAttributes, PAMAttributes), because it was defined as part of the same "choice" of elements (which means "only one of the following elements can be defined"). The definition of the DataConversionAttributes element was changed, so that it can appear with one of the other elements at that level. (Thanks to John Pandoli of Sikorsky Aircraft)
  • id="NewDataSet" removed from the <xs:schema... line

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

September, 2006:

  • Bus Remote Terminal and Sub Terminal address elements, changed to type Binary, to allow only 0's and 1's

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

August, 2006:

  • Multiplex Element: Removed "SCO\N" (NumberOfSubCarriers) element. This was not needed. Changed "Other" subcarrier element, to be unbounded, allowing for an infinite number of element definition.
  • Multiplex Element: Added "DataConversion" element above Comment element, to allow for FM link EU conversion definitions.
  • DataLink Element: Re-titled DataConversion element. This is now the one and only place EU conversions (excluding FM links) will be defined. All other DataConversion definitions found throughout the schema have been removed.
  • PCM Format/Bus element: ParityTransferOrder (MN2) element removed from schema.
  • (8/23/2006) PCM Format/Bus element: Parity (MN1) removed from measurement node, moved up to Bus node, and re-titled to define a single "Bus Parity" (new TMATS command: BP, new schema element <BusParity>)
  • (8/23/2006) PCMFormatAttributes Bus Measurement list definition changed. ("Measurement" element changed to "MeasurementName", and made unbounded. Subordinate element "Name" removed)
  • (8/23/2006) PCMFormatAttributes Bus attribute definition changed to allow for up to 16 bus definitions (was previously unbounded to infinity).
  • (8/23/2006) DataLink Bus attribute definition changed to allow for an infinite number of bus definitions (previously only allowed 1 definition).
  • (8/23/2006) The following PCMFormatAttributes elements were changed to be "mandatory": WordsPerMinorFrame, NumberOfMinorFrames
  • (8/23/2006) The following elements were changed, to remove "attributes" (Attributes were changed to subordinate elements):
    • PCMFormatAttributes (P Group): VariableWordLength, MeasurementListChange, FormatStructureChange
    • RFAttributes (T Group): SourceRFAttributes/Subcarrier
    • TapeStorageAttributes (R Group): DiscreteDataTypeAttributes/Measurement, ReferenceTrack
    • VendorSpecificAttributes (V Group): Vendor
    • DataConversionAttributes (C Group): InflightCalibration/Stimulus, AmbientValue
    • Datalink/BusAttributes (B Group): Measurement/Location

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

(For help on understanding what this documentation shows, view this help file).

April 10, 2006:

The following changes were made, since the last version. These changes are the result of comments received at the last RCC/TG meeting in Albuquerque:

  • Removed the "TmatsDate" and "TmatsDateTime" data types from the schema. These, defined date and time fields in existing TMATS syntax. It was decided to use the native XML types for date and time fields (xs:date and xs:dateTime). All elements that previously referenced the "TmatsDate" and "TmatsDateTime" data types, have been changed, to reference the native XML date and time formats.
  • Removed the "TmatsString" data type from the schema. This data type was used for most string type fields. It prevented a string from containing a semi-colon, which is not allowed in the original TMATS format. This restriction is not needed in XML, but was originally incorporated to make the XML version of TMATS behave like the original TMATS format. All references to "TmatsString", were replaced with the native "xs:string" type.
  • Removed all references to "Spiral Technology" from the comment fields at the beginning of the schema.
  • Changed mis-spelled element name ("DatalinkName" changed to "DataLinkName"), in the PCM Format Switching area

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

February 20, 2006:

The following changes were made, since the last version:

  • The definition of the <Name> element for defining measurements (in the S section) was changed to allow it to contain "data" and subordinate elements. Previously, the definition would only allow this element to contain subordinate elements. This change allows this element to also contain the actual name of the measurement, in addition to the subordinate elements.
  • The <Location>, <Wordlength> and <Mask> elements for defining an Async Embedded Format (in the P section) were changed to be "unbounded". This allows more than one occurrence of these elements to be defined, which allows an async stream to be defined using the "every location" method.
  • The <Location> element for defining a Async Data Merge Formats (in the P section) was changed to be "unbounded". This allows more than one occurrence of this element to be defined, which allows an async data merge format to be defined using the "every location" method.
  • The "comment" for the <IDCounter> element in the P group was removed. The comment field indicated that this element was derived from the ISF1 and ISF2 TMATS commands, which is no longer accurate.

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

The following items are possible action items. These items have not been incorporated into the latest version of the schema:

  • The whole "ChannelAssignment" element, and its subordinates needS to be looked at, in the PAM Attributes area. The TMATS definitions here, are very hard to understand.
  • We need to confirm that the way the DataConversionAttributes sections are being used, is what we really want.
  • Based upon a previous suggest from another person, the B section appears twice in the schema. We need to confirm that this is what we really need, and we need to document when one definition should be used over the other.

February 7, 2006:

NOTE: This is the version submitted to the RCC for Pink Sheet review.

The following changes were made, since the last version:

  • Inline documentation changed. All references to "Section" were changed to "Group" to match chapter 9 terminology. Example: "TMATS P Section" changed to "TMATS P Group". (Ted Takacs)
  • In the DataConversionAttributesType definition, the PairSets element <Application> was changed. Previously, the allowed values were "Yes" and "No", which matched the TMATS specification (C-x\PS1). This was vague. The allowable values have been changed to "Polynomial Curve Fit" and "Table Lookup". (Ted Takacs)
  • The <IDCounter> element was changed. The former attributes of this element ("Name" and "SyncType") were changed to subordinate elements. The ≪Name> element is required. The ≪SyncType> is optional. The ≪SyncType> element has two allowable values: "ID Counter" and "Other". If omitted, the default "ID Counter" value is assumed. (Ted Takacs)
  • The name of the <Length> element was changed to <CounterLength> in the ID Counter definition area (P-x\IDC2), to make its name more descriptive. (Ted Takacs)
  • The name of the <MSBStartingPosition> element was changed to <CounterStartingBitLocationh> in the ID Counter definition area (P-x\IDC3), to make its name more descriptive. (Ted Takacs)
  • The <SynchronizationPattern> element in the PAM Attributes (A\SF3) was missing one option. The value "Other" was added. (Ted Takacs)
  • One allowable value of the G section <SecurityClassification> was changed. "Classified" was changed to "Confidential". (Ted Takacs)
  • One allowable value of the Tape section <TimeFormat> was added. "None" is now an allowable value. This was also accidentally omitted in TMATS. If this element is not specified, "None" is the default value. (Ted Takacs)
  • One element was missing from the Tape Section. <TimeSource> was added (R-x\TSRC). (Ted Takacs)
  • In the Tape section, the <DataPackingOption> element was changed. Previously, the allowed values were "Yes" and "No", which matched the TMATS specification (T-x\ADP). This was vague. The allowable values have been changed to "Packed" and "Unpacked". (Bob Comperini)
  • In the Tape section, the names of the <TapeID>, <TapeDescription> and <TapeCharactaristics> elements were changed. The word "Tape" was removed from these element names. (Ted Takacs)
  • In the Tape section, the names of the <NumberOfTracks> (R-x\N) and <TrackNumber> (R-x\TK1) elements were changed to <NumberOfTracksOrChannels>, <TrackNumberOrChannelID> and respectively. (Ted Takacs)
  • In the B section, the name of the <DataWordCount> (B-x\DWC) element was changed to <DataWordCountOrModeCode>. (Ted Takacs)
  • Some values were missing from the <ModulationType> element in the RF Section (T-x\RF4). "FQPSK-JR", "SOQPSK-TG", and "MULTI-H CPM" were added. (Ted Takacs)

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Static diagrams:

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

(For help on understanding what this documentation shows, view this help file).

January 26, 2006:

The following changes were made, since the last version:

  • Changed the <IRIGSubCarrier> element structure, in the MultiplexModulationGroupType definition, as follows: Removed the "DataLink" attribute from the element, and made it a subordinate element. Also created a selection point, to allow a definition of the DataLink Name (M-x\SI\DLN) or Analog Measurement name (M-x\SI\MN)
  • Changed the <BasebandSignal> element structure, in the MultiplexModulationGroupType definition, as follows: Removed the "DataLink" attribute from the element, and made it a subordinate element. Also created a selection point, to allow a definition of the DataLink Name (M-x\BB\DLN) or Analog Measurement name (M-x\BB\MN)
  • Removed the <NumberOfSubCarriers> element from the MultiplexModulationGroupType definition. These "Number Of" commands are not really needed in the schema.
  • Added "Name" Attribute to <DataLink> element, which appears subordinate to the <DataSource> element. The <DataLink> element, is intended to be the "starting point" for all data link related information, so the data link name attribute belonged here.
  • Removed the "DataLink" attribute from the <PCMFormatAttributesType> element definition. This attribute was not needed here, because the <PCMFormatAttributesType> is subordinate to the <DataLink> element, which contains the name.
  • Changed the way the <AsyncEmbeddedFormat> element referred to another Data Link. Previously, this element would "recursively" call another <PCMFormatAttributesType> structure. This reference was removed, and a new <DataLinkName> element was added (The AEF\DLN command). This element would be used to refer back to another <DataLink> element structure.

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

(For help on understanding what this documentation shows, view this help file).

January 18, 2006:

The following changes were made, since the last version:

  • Added 106-05 attributes, including: S-Group (packet) definitions and Tape Attribute fields
  • Removed "Attributes" from various elements of the two 1553 (B Section) definitions, and replaced them with element definitions.
  • Changed spelling of element "SubframeSynchorization" to "SubframeSynchronization". (It was misspelled. Thanks to Joachim Achtzehnter of NetAcquire)
  • Comment received from Joachim Achtzehnter of NetAcquire: "The VendorSpecificAttributes element is presumably intended to contain vendor-specific information, but the current Schema does not permit any contents for this element."

    Response: This same problem exists with the current H Group element in the schema. Joachim was correct in stating that the schema prohibited the V and H section elements from being able to accept any subordinate elements or data. Joachim gave me the correct code, to allow these elements to accept any subordinate content. The content of these two elements, remains undefined (as it does in TMATS), but at least the schema will allow subordinate data in these elements.

  • Comment received from Joachim Achtzehnter of NetAcquire: "What is the rationale behind the namespace declarations in the Schema file? More specifically, why is there a reference to a Microsoft xml-msdata Schema even though this does not appear to be needed? What is the purpose of the targetNamespace pointing to itself? "

    Response: The reference to the Microsoft Schema was removed.

  • Comment received from Joachim Achtzehnter of NetAcquire: The first enumeration value for the type of element WordTransferOrder is currently defined as "MSB FIrst". (Note the capital letter 'I')

    Response: Good catch! This was a typo. "MSB FIrst" has been changed to "MSB First".

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

(For help on understanding what this documentation shows, view this help file).

October 2005:

The following changes were made, after our discussions at ITC in Las Vegas:

  • In the PCM measurement list, where measurement word and frame locations are specified, I made the StartFrame element mandatory, instead of optional.
  • Removed the "DataSource" attribute from the MultiplexModulationGroup element. DataSource is not needed, since the MultiplexModulationGroup element is subordinate to the DataSource element.
  • Changed the Measurement element in the PCM Format group. Removed the attributes Length, Parity, ParityTransferOrder, MeasurementTransferOrder, and made them subordinate elements

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

The following items were mentioned as possible action items. These items have not been incorporated into the latest version of the schema:

  • Make other "common" enumerations, global data types
  • Bus Attributes appears twice in schema. It should be a reference, not a duplication of elements. (If this is truely a duplication of elements. It may not be)
  • Place all global data type definitions in their own schema. Do we need to discuss this, or is this a good idea?
  • Break up TMATS into separate (smaller) schemas. Do we need to discuss this, or is this a good idea? How should it be broken up?
  • Data Conversion information, is stored for each measurement, subordinate to the PCM format, or Bus structure, the measurement is defined in. This allows measurements having the same name to be defined with different EU values (which is something TMATS can not support). The ramification of this, is that if someone wants to globally "change" an attribute, common to the EU definition for a particular measurement, those changes must occur in each Data Conversion definition throughout the entire XML file (not just in one place). Is this a problem?

August 2005:

At the August meeting of the RCC/TG, some changes were made to the schema we submitted. These changes included:

  • The Mux/Mod section was moved to the same level as the Tape and RF sections. Previously, it was subordinate to those sections. This change means that a Mux/Mod definition can exist without a matching RF or TAPE definition.
  • Baseband Datalink element was moved out of the Mux/Mod group, and placed at the same level as the Tape, RF, and Mux/Mod element, allowing a Datalink to be defined without corresponding Mud/Mod definitions.
  • Duplicated 'B' section to the same level as the current 'P' section.

The schema with these changes, can be viewed here:

At this meeting, a few other suggestions were made, for possible changes. These suggestions are NOT part of the schema above. These suggestions include:

  • Convert other common "selection" type TMATS fields (those commands that have the same values, such as the various "parity" fields), to global data types, instead of enumerating them each time.
  • Modify the two 'B' section definitions. The 'B' section subordinate to the 'P' section, only needs to have basic measurement information (not bus information). Its unclear, whether or not the 'B' definition that is at the same level as the 'P' section needs to contain everything (bus/message/measurement definitions), or only bus/message definitions.
  • Remove all attributes from elements, except in the case of "linkages", such as Data Link name, etc. Existing attributes would be turned into subordinate elements. (Are we really using attributes properly? Maybe yes, maybe no)

February 2005:

The URL to our original TMATS Schema, that was submitted to the RCC is:


  • This schema was written to the 106-04 Specification, and follows the basic hierarchy found in Figure 9-1 of IRIG 106-04.
  • Yes, this is basically a "XML version of TMATS". The commands, and fields that exist in TMATS are all defined in this schema.
  • It was determined that the "P" section subframe definitions were no longer needed. They are not included in this schema.
  • PCM Measurements are defined using one method only. The numerous "methods" for describing measurement locations from the "D" section of TMATS, are replaced with the one method that appears in this schema.

Documentation: (Internet Explorer and Firefox Users, read this)

Static diagrams:

Expandable diagrams (click on an element to see more detail):

(For help on understanding what this documentation shows, view this help file).

View our online TMATS/XML comparison chart here: HTML, Microsoft Excel

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